María Cano Publishing Fund

It seeks to build a catalog of works that follows the highest standards in editorial and academic quality, with diverse themes, relevant to each area or discipline, with internal and external authors to the María Cano University Foundation, seeking to contribute permanently to validation, construction and dissemination of research and knowledge.

María Cano Editorial Fund was created by Rectoral Resolution 091 of 2005 and its image was updated through Rectoral Resolution 661 of 2017.

Its main objectives are:

1. Establish policies that generate uniform practices in editorial, academic, legal and administrative management for the publication of serial and non-serial works at the María Cano University Foundation.

2. Advise or direct the processes of management, arbitration, production and circulation of the different works that make up the Fund’s catalog to ensure the quality of its contents, its standardization and access.

3. Design strategies that facilitate the consultation, use or marketing of publications among its target audience, considering the internal, national and international context.

4. Create new publication spaces that stimulate the intellectual production of researchers, professors and students of the María Cano University Foundation, and in alliance or co-authorship with other IES, organizations or publishers.

5. Facilitate or support institutional processes of training in research, reading and academic writing for students, researchers and professors of the María Cano University Foundation