Technologist in Implementation of Digital Solutions

Technologist in Implementation of Digital Solutions

The Software Engineering program of the María Cano University Foundation seeks to train citizens with the capacity to respond to the needs of the national productive and service system, with a social focus, capable of analyzing, designing, modeling, developing and implementing products and services. of software that strengthen the productive sector and services, public and private, based on standards, regulations, methodologies and tools that guarantee world-class products, with the necessary skills to promote their ability to provide comprehensive solutions to problems that in their professional performance is presented to them, based on values ​​and ethics, supported by technological tools that guarantee their results.

Silvia Marcela Henao Villa
Management of the Software Engineering program
National toll-free line: 018000 41 22 66
Telephone (60+4) 402 55 00 ext. 201

Title awarded: Technologist in Implementation of Digital Solutions
Modality: face-to-face – on line
SNIES: 116898 Technology in Implementation of Digital Solutions – On line
SNIES 116897 Technology in Implementation of Digital Solutions – Face to face
Qualified registration: 005925 of May 2, 2024 may 2024
Validity: 7 years
Value 2024: $2,160,000 per semester
City: Medellín
Duration: 6 semesters
Number of credits: 96

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    Professional profile

    Starting from the secondary studies that support the programs in the ICT area, such as computing curricula CC-2020, the Technology in Implementation of Digital Solutions program adopts the disciplinary domains that describe the thematic areas of the Digital transformation processes such as: Information Systems, Information Technologies and Data Science (ACM, 2020). Consequently, it adopts as guiding foundations of the disciplinary axis the technologies associated with application programming, IoT Fundamentals, information management with emphasis on data analysis, and the infrastructure component oriented to cloud services.
    The program highlights its ability to contribute to the benefit of society aligned with the digital transformation processes that generate productivity and business competitiveness, with a focus on social commitment, entrepreneurial and creative vision.
    At the end of the Technology in Implementation of Digital Solutions program, the graduate will have an entrepreneurial and creative vision to facilitate and support:
    ● Innovation and digital transformation processes in organizations to improve organizational business strategies.
    ● The adoption of technologies such as application development, IoT prototypes, business intelligence and cloud service support with the purpose of enhancing the business and productive benefits of organizations.
    ● Understanding customer expectations, needs and opportunities from a technical and business perspective, generating value for the customer through the implementation and management of digitalization and technology adoption initiatives.
    ● Management of computer tools for the systematization of processes and information, such as database management and data analysis.
    ● IT infrastructure implementation and maintenance processes.

    Work profile

    You may perform occupational functions associated with the following roles:
    ● Support for the work of:
    o Application programming
    o Data quality debugging.
    o Maintenance and management of IT Infrastructure.
    o Display of information boards.
    o Development of IoT prototypes.
    o Application administration.
    o Change management in digital transition processes.
    ● In IT implementation processes, you will be able to perform occupational roles such as:
    o Support assistant in IT projects.
    o Application programmer.
    o Assistant in data analytics processes.
    o Support assistant in the implementation of IoT Devices.
    o Assistant in application management.


    Study Plan



    Subject Academic Credits Prerequisites
    Semester I
    Communicative Competencies 2
    Mathematics I 2
    María Cano Chair 2
    Human development 2
    Hardware and Software Platforms 2
    Introduction to digital solutions 2
    Logical and Algorithmic Thinking 3
    TOTAL 15  
    Semester 2
    Subject Academic Credits Prerequisites
    Critical Reading 2 Communicative skills
    Mathematics II 2 Mathematics I
    Diferential calculus 3 Mathematics I
    Computer networks 2 Hardware and Software Platforms
    Elective I – Institutional 2
    Programming languages ​​for the Web 3 Logical and Algorithmic Thinking
    Databases 3 Introduction to digital solutions
    TOTAL 17  
    Semester 3
    Subject Academic Credits Prerequisites
    Innovation and creativity 3
    Citizen skills 2
    Integral calculus 3 Diferential calculus
    Software Construction I 3 Databases
    Mobile computing languages 3 Programming languages ​​for the Web
    Electronics for IoT 3 Computer networks
    TOTAL 17  
    Semester 4
    Subject Academic Credits Prerequisites
    Entrepreneurship 3 Innovation and creativity
    Statistics 2 Mathematics II
    Discrete mathematics 3 Integral calculus
    Software Construction II 3 Software Construction I
    Programming Paradigms 3 Software construction I,
    Sensors and actuators 3 Electronics for IoT
    TOTAL 17  
    Semester 5 
    Subject Academic Credits Prerequisites
    Research foundations 2 Discrete mathematics
    Architecture and Cloud Computing 3 Computer networks
    Cybersecurity 2 Software Construction II
    Data Warehouses 3 Software Construction II
    Embedded development platforms 2 Programming Paradigms
    Telematics for IoT 3 Sensors and actuators
    TOTAL 15  
    Semester 6 
    Subject Academic Credits Prerequisites
    Organization and Business in the Digital Age 3 Entrepreneurship
    data science 3 Data Warehouses
    Elective II – Deepening 3
    Professional practice 6 75 approved credits
    TOTAL 15  


    Admission requirements New In-person and Virtual Undergraduate Applicant

    To enter any of the undergraduate programs offered by María Cano, the new applicant must complete the following procedure:

    1. Fill out the online registration form
    2. Make the payment of undergraduate registration fees $133,900
    3. At the end of the registration form, upload to the platform the following documents one by one (in PDF format) as indicated at the end:
    • Photocopy of the high school degree certificate or diploma, if you have not yet completed grade 11, original study certificate, issued by the school valid for no more than one month.
    • Results of the ICFES tests (Saber 11), if you do not have the results you can attach the citation to the test.
    • A legible photocopy of the identity document (enlarged).
    • A 3×4 size photo, light blue background.
    • Documents are not received physically unless required during the admission process.
    1. Print the registration payment form at the end of online registration or make payment through PSE.

    *The Foundation reserves the right to admit and assign study schedules to students.