Psychology lab

Psychology lab

The psychology lab of Maria Cano University is a space of learning directed to the whole academic community: students, administrative staff, and teachers, as support for the formative processes, for the promotion of the research.

In addition, it intends to impact on the managerial sector, from the potential of application of different corporate tests, additional trainings can be organized.

Advising and application of aptitude testing

The psychology lab takes the application of clinical and corporate aptitude testing as a service, projective tests and neuropsychological batteries. It offers advising to students, teachers and managerial sector in the managing of the tests mentioned above.

Learning and experimentation space.

Gasell’s chamber is a device of experimentation where it is possible to clarify certain phenomena of reality. This device has so many applications since the health science has made them possible, while it serves to study the behavior, emotional reactions, and cognitive processes of the person, in a personal way and in a group too. It also contributes to the training of out professionals.

Organizational advising

For companies we offer the service of position profile design and projects that impact on the staff’s quality of life and occupational, training in the development and encouragement of skills to support human development, diagnose of environmental and cultural organization and design of plans for intervention.

To book appointments in the different services contact us:

Phone number: 4806020 Ext 400 and 401. Address: Calle 56 40 111 Boston Neighborhood.

Institution that undergoes inspection and follow up by the National Ministry of Education and the Sectional Secretariat of Health of Antioquia.

Sesión de Evaluación
$25.000 Gratuita $18.750
Sesión de tratamiento
$25.000 $12.500 $18.750
Capacitaciones $50.000 N/A N/A
Programa de Permanencia estudiantil N/A


(Evaluación y tratamiento).


Institución sujeta a inspección y vigilada por el Ministerios de Educación Nacional y Secretaría Seccional de Salud y Protección Social de Antioquia.