Promotion and Prevention.

Promotion and Prevention

Active pauses: It looks for and early prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in order to foster physical and mental health among the staff of the institution and public I general.

Communicative pauses:: It allows knowing the different biomechanical positions, index of corporal mass, retractions and postural habits of the evaluated population.

Tamizaje postural: Permite conocer las diferentes posiciones biomecánicas, índice de masa corporal, retracciones y hábitos posturales de la población evaluada

Musculoskeletal evaluation: It allows knowing the different biomechanical positions, index of corporal mass, retractions and postural habits of the evaluated population.

Ergonomic schools: Group intervention of reduction and postural hygiene awareness raising.

Institution that undergoes inspection and follow up by the National Ministry of Education and the Sectional Secretariat of Health of Antioquia.