editorial policy



All manuscripts must be sent to the e-mail address revistaiics@fumc.edu.co along with the following documents: Letter of presentation, manuscript registration and check format, completely filled out. At the time of receipt of the information, the editor will be responsible for sending a notification of submitted documentation.

The editorial committee receives and evaluates the articles that are submitted to the journal.In the first instance, an internal evaluation is carried out, where the editorial committee verifies if the manuscript has the basic requirements set forth in the notes to the authors.Subsequently, a member of the scientific – technical committee, which may belong to the university community or be a guest to participate in the process during one or more editions, evaluates the relevance and quality of the document, through the completion of the » Editorial Committee Evaluation Form». This first concept will be the starting point to determine if the manuscript continues in the evaluation process or if it should be rejected, in which case, the editor proceeds to notify the authors of the decision of the committee with its adequate justification.


Manuscripts approved in the first process are evaluated by external peers. At this point, the editorial committee of the journal makes the decision to send the manuscript to a member of the national or international scientific community, considered an expert on the specific subject of the manuscript. This person is formally invited to participate in the process through an official communication or email. In case of accepting the invitation, the manuscript is sent without any information that allows the peer to know the identity of the authors (blind evaluation), the «Peer Evaluation Form» and a delivery date. Each evaluator has an approximate period of 15 days for the delivery of their evaluation.


Once the evaluations have been delivered by the external peers to the journal. The committee proceeds to send the concept of the evaluations to the authors with the respective corrections. In case the concept is publishable or publishable with corrections, the authors must complete the «Format for Confrontation of Evaluations» and make the corresponding corrections. Both documents must be sent again to journal via email.


After receiving the corrections of the authors, the editorial committee is responsible of verifying that the concepts issued by the peer reviewers correspond with the corrections made to the manuscript and the publication is proceeded through the completion of the authorization for publication form


The editorial committee is responsible for making a final revision of form and style, to complete the editorial process and proceed to the publication of the article.

In compliance with the regulations of Colciencias for scientific publications in Colombia, the Journal has OJS 3.0 system (Open Journal Systems 3.0) for the Document Management and the editorial process.


Open Access Policy

The Journal of Research and Innovation in Health Sciences – JRIHS, publishes research articles through Open Journal Systems (OJS). Allowing the scientific communities free access to research results and ensuring equity in access to information. This editorial management tool facilitates the process of publishing articles.
See: https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/


1. Ethical responsibilities:

Protection of people and animals

When the experiments have been carried out with humans, it must be indicated that the process carried out is in accordance with the ethical norms and responsibility in human or institutional experimentation with humans and in accordance with the world medical association and the declaration of Helsinki, available at: https://www.wma.net/es/que-hacemos/etica-medica/declaracion-de-helsinki/.
Confidentiality: The authors are responsible for following the protocols established by their respective health centers for access to medical records data. The author is obliged to ensure that he has informed all patients of the role they fulfill in the study, must receive sufficient information and have signed informed consent to participate. Authors should mention in the section «materials and methods» the process used with patients and the controls that are carried out to obtain informed consent.


The author is responsible for ensuring patients the right to privacy, protecting their identity both in the written document and in the images that are published. The names, initials or clinical history number (or any other data of relevance to the research that can be used to identify the patient) can not be used in the text, or in photographs, unless the information is essential for The objectives of the investigation. If the information is essential, it must be included in the article that the patient, if a caregiver or a relative has signed the informed consent, authorizing the publication. The authors are responsible for obtaining informed consent, authorizations for publication, reproduction and presentation on paper or free access on the Internet.

2.  Authorship

Only the people who contributed intellectually to the development of the research and the construction of the manuscript can be mentioned in the list of authors. Collaborating in the collection of data or participating in the technical development of the research is not enough criteria to be included as an author. In general, authors who meet the following criteria are considered:
• Have participated in the conception and design, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the data used in the article in question.
• Have participated in the writing and its possible revisions.
• Have approved the final version of the manuscript sent for publication.

The «Journal of Research and Innovation in Health Sciences» is not responsible for any conflict of interest derived from the authorship of the manuscript published in the journal.

3. Conflict of interests

Conflict of interest is considered when the author has personal or financial relationships that may bias or inappropriately affect their actions. The authors will describe in the cover letter any financial or personal relationship they had or have at the time of writing the manuscript or submit the article, with persons or institutions that could lead to a conflict of interest in relation to the article submitted.

4. Obtaining permits

The authors are responsible for obtaining the permits for the total or partial reproduction of the material (text, tables or figures) used in the publication, as well as the permits of the institution that finances the research. The author in the cover letter must declare that the article is original and has not been previously published or sent or presented in another journal for evaluation, in whole or in part. These types of actions are a clear violation of scientific ethics. Similarly, authors who use previously published material (text, tables or figures) in their article must have the corresponding permits (written authorization) for their reproduction by the authors and the entity that published the material.

5. Redundant or duplicate publication

The journal will not consider manuscripts previously published or that have been simultaneously presented in other journals, or are redundant or duplicate of other printed or electronic publications. The authors must inform in the cover letter if they have previously sent the same manuscript, totally or partially to be considered in another journal, that may be considered redundant or duplicate of the publication. It is necessary to quote or include the references of those previous works in the new manuscript. It does NOT apply for abstracts, press releases or speeches presented at national or international scientific meetings.

For more information: International ethics guideline for health – related research involving humans. https://cioms.ch/shop/product/international-ethical-guidelines-for-health-related-research-involving-humans/