Psychology service

Psychology service

It is a mental health service that allows for the prevention and promotion, the individual attention and the group intervention actions tending to improve the quality of life of the community in general.

To orientate and accompany the students in process related to their integral formation across psychological advising, of individual form, in group and incorporation of the family, in order to help the learning process and overcome the difficulties that are affecting their vocational training.

Set free from stress training “A connection with your body and senses”

The sensory stimulation and the easing work to mental level and physics by means of the easing induced with natural elements and some physical therapy technologies.

Happy Fat People To provide social integration spaces, physical activity and healthy diffusion of ways of life, by means of the acquisition of different routines of learning that foster the discipline, the acceptance and the work group.

Couple relationship: To generate in the community the need to understand the most important factors that surround a couple relation in order to offer them methods and information that they help to strengthen their affective ties.

Mental pauses: To promote across an integral method of mental health, playful and didactic activities to generate new habits, in order to benefit the aspects in the work environment.

To book appointments in the different services contact us:

Phone number: 4806020 Ext 400 and 401. Address: Calle 56 40 111 Boston Neighborhood.

Institution that undergoes inspection and follow up by the National Ministry of Education and the Sectional Secretariat of Health of Antioquia.