Human Development

Intervention, support and multidisciplinary accompaniment strategies to enhance the development of academic, personal and work capacities through the identification and assessment of the strengths and opportunities of the individual and collective environment by arranging projects for overcoming difficulties, continuous improvement, self-growth and accomplishment.


Spiritual Accompaniment: These are actions to promote the spiritual dimension which refers to the deepest inner experience of the person, and leads them to give meaning and purpose to their own actions, existence and life project.

It consists of helping the community to learn how to find enjoyment in the daily experience, to have a system of values ​​ with the commitment to apply them to the use of their own creative potential, to the contemplation of life and to make the most of it according to their own aspirations and convictions as well as those of the group to which one belongs. It includes carrying out the practices associated with the faith, belief or moral values ​​that they profess without exclusion of creeds.

Inclusive University: To guarantee participation, quality and equity in the provision of services in Higher Education, based on the recognition of difference and respect for human dignity in accordance with the possibilities, scope and institutional resources in a progressive and sustainable manner.

For the implementation of inclusive practices and cultures in favor of access, permanence and graduation, intervention strategies will be defined in teaching, research, extension, administrative tasks, institutional well-being, mobility, and accessibility, for the following public: People in a situation of functional disability (physical and sensory) and with exceptional abilities and / or talents, Ethnic Groups (blacks, Afro-Colombians, Raizales and Palenqueros, indigenous people and Rrom (gypsies), Victim population as stipulated in article third of the Law 1448 of 2011, Demobilized population in the process of reintegration, Population inhabiting the border) and Sexual diversity. For the generation of inclusive cultures and practices, institutional actions are proposed:

University for Peace: To adopt actions aimed at raising awareness among the classes on peace and healthy coexistence, promoting the creation and offerings of subjects, incorporating this theme into existing subjects, to progressively generate a culture of peace, as well as promoting academic research and extension projects in conflict resolution at the institution, Peace and Conflict, International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, and the Environment and Development.

Resolution of stimuli and student incentives for cultural and sports merit.

Nadya María Sierra Noreña
Coordinator of Human Development and Socioeconomic Promotion
Calle 56 No. 41 – 90
Telephone: (60+4) 402 55 00 Ext. 161