Servicios cultura


The cultural development in the university environment fosters actions to understand, signify, interact, develop artistic and formative skills of different cultures. The approach of multiculturalism as a strategic orientation, in accordance with human rights and guiding of the actions of the university wellness department; suggests the following competences: oriented to the development of programs focused on the learning process – teaching of theoretical-practical knowledge; projects and activities with a pedagogical approach, with the purpose of actively contributing to the formation and integral development of the academic community. Our training courses are:

  • Music: Guitar, Bass, saxophone, percussion, Vocal technique and Piano
  • Tropical dance and Tango

Cursos formativos

Música: Guitarra, Bajo, saxofón, percusión, Técnica vocal y Piano
Baile: Tropical y Tango

Luis Alejandro Bedoya Contreras
Sports and Culture Coordinator
Address: Calle 56 No. 41 – 90
Telephone: (60+4) 4025500 Ext. 161