Fundación Universitaria María Cano Language Center is created as a response to the global need of acquiring skills in a foreign language, looking forward to an optimal performance at the social, political, economic, cultural, and personal levels of our students.
In consequence, our work tends to an integral education in achieving different levels of competence according to the Common European Framework of Reference for teaching, learning and assessment of languages; by promoting processes of teaching and learning English as a foreign language, by means of a communicative methodology, adjusted to international standards, and providing our students with formative spaces with the highest quality. Currently, our Language Center offers three formative spaces:
Curricular English: It takes care of the formation in English for the study plan of the different undegraduate programs of Maria Cano, both virtual and face-to-face.
Inglés Ruta al B1: It is a program of coninuing education that is born as an alternative for the accomplishment of the B1 English level requirement, established in the Institutional Bilingalism Policy, Agreement 331-1 of 2013, regulated in the Rectoral Resolution 575 of 2016.