Comité de Convivencia Laboral

Labor Coexistence Committee

In accordance with resolution 652 of 2012, this committee is made up of equal representatives of employers ‘and workers’ representatives, as a preventive measure of workplace harassment that helps protect workers against psychosocial risks that affect health in Workplaces

Committee of Labor Coexistence in the Institution, is made up of two representatives by the employer and two representatives of the workers with their respective substitutes. The Principal directly chooses his own and the workers elect their representatives by secret ballot, having made a call for the registration of candidates.

The Committee is valid for two years from the date of its installation. Once these two years have elapsed, the process for a new election must be opened. The Labor Coexistence Committee is part of the strategies that the institution has in order to create better working conditions for its employees, in search of the promotion of a healthy work coexistence. Similarly, seeking to arrive to the best solutions possible, the commitee pursues to have communication channels to receive and process possible complaints or differences between members of the institution.


  • Receive and process complaints of possible workplace harassment
  • Confidentially examine specific or specific cases that could typify workplace harassment behaviors
  • Listen to the parties involved individually
  • Advance meetings in order to create a space for dialogue between the parties involved
  • Formulate a concerted improvement plan between the parties
  • Follow up on the commitments acquired
  • Submit recommendations to the Principal’s office for the effective development of preventive and corrective measures of workplace harassment
  • Follow up on compliance with recommendations
  • Meet quarterly
  • Prepare quarterly reports on the management of the Committee.

Know here the procedure for the processing of a complaint that can be constituted as workplace harassment

Find here the format for filing a complaint for alleged workplace harassment (File B)