The research is developed through the work of research teachers or with research charge and with students who are part of the research seedbed or the ones who study their degree project in any of the established modalities.


A research group is defined as the set of natural and / or legal people that meet and interact to carry out research activities in a specific subject with the purpose of intervening in one or several objects of interest, and produce some knowledge results and some derived products that contribute to the solution of the problems raised.

Research group of the Faculty of Business Sciences

Group Program (s) Leader Colciencias Classification
SUMAR Business Administration and Public Accounting Humberto Serna Gómez A

Research sub-lines of the Sumar group

–  Subline 1: Entrepreneurship

–  Subline 2: Environment and Competitiveness

–  Subline 3: Management

Research groups of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Group Program (s) Leader Colciencias Classification
FISIOTER Physiotherapy in Medellín and campus Neiva, Popayán and Cali Elizabeth Roldán González A
FONOTEC Phonoaudiology Miguel Antonio Vargas García B
PSIQUE AND SOCIETY Psychology Juliana Andrea Montoya Otálvaro C

Sublíneas of the fisioter group

–  Subline 1: Health and human body movement

–  Subline 2: Entrepreneurship and health management

–  Subline 3: Public health

–  Subline 4: Professional exercise

Research sub-lines of the Fonotec group

–  Subline 1: Communication and communicative disability

–  Subline 2: Professional matters

–  Subline 3: Technological advances

Research sub-lines of the Psyche and Society group

–  Subline 1: Mental health, prevention and promotion

–  Subline 2: Restoring the social fabric

–  Subline 3: Psychology and education

–  Subline 4: Organizational development

Research group of the Faculty of Engineering

Group Program (s) Leader Classification Colciencias
GRINTEC Software Engineering and Technology in Electromedicine Jorge Mario Gaviria Hincapié C

Research sub-lines of the Grintec group

–  Subline 1: E-learning

–  Subline 2: E-Health

–  Subline 3: Automation


They are learning communities that have emerged within the Institution due to the interest of the research actors that make them up. Each seedbed is assigned to a research group endorsed by the institution and, to be considered active, it must submit a semester activity plan to the CIDE management with the endorsement of the leader of the research group and the director of the program to which it is attached.

Business Administration




Classified- Category B Business sciences research hotbed(semillero) (SICE)
Accounting program Research hotbed Accounting program




Classified Category B Fisioter
Human Body Movement
Paths of knowledge
Visionaries of Science
Seeds of the Future
Fimcal (Physiotherapists Researchers of the Movement and Labor Field)
Researchers of the Future
Looking to the future
Phono audiology FONOTEC FONOTEC Classified-C COSMO
ACAF-Opening Pathways to Phonoaudiology
AMC- Opening Paths, Marking tracks, Creating inclusion.
Communicative skills
Psychology PSIQUE AND SOCIETY Recognized Healthy lifestyles hotbed
Neuropsychology and cognition hotbed
Recognized subject psychoanalysis and social bond hotbed
Intervention in cognitive psychology hotbed
Humanistic psychology hotbed
Organizational Development
Software Engineering and technologies GRINTEC Subscribed to Software Development InteractiveSoft FUMC hotbed
FUMC Electromedicine and Robotics Ingebot hotbed


The Institution may form or be part of other collaborative organizational forms that allow the development of I + D + i activities and projects, altogether, among which there are: communities of practice, learning communities, knowledge networks, innovation networks and other types of strategic alliances that may arise from interactions with researchers and external organizations and within the framework of the subscription of collaboration agreements, and other strategic alliances.


The internal and interdisciplinary network for the strengthening of research at María Cano University Foundation (RIIFI), is an academic network made up of the different research groups of the Institution and its members, conceived to potentiate collaborative work among research groups, with the objective of the interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in the approach to research problems and, and at the same time, to impact on the indicator of cooperation among groups.

Coordinator: Mary Luz Osorio

Integrantes y tipos de vinculación a los grupos y a los Proyectos de Investigación y demás actividades relacionadas.

Los integrantes del Grupo de Investigación son las personas que desempeñan alguna tarea relacionada con la actividad investigativa del Grupo, y que en el caso de los investigadores con vínculo laboral o contractual con la Institución, las deben plasmar en un plan de trabajo anual, acorde con los planes de trabajo del Grupo, siguiendo los lineamientos que para tal efecto defina la Dirección del CIDE y los Consejos de Facultad. Pueden conformar los grupos de investigación y vincularse al desarrollo de proyectos de investigación los siguientes tipos de roles.

Actores de la Investigación

La investigación se desarrolla mediante la labor de los docentes investigadores o con descarga en investigación y con los estudiantes que hacen parte de los semilleros de investigación

Investigadores internos:

A. Investigador con vínculo laboral o contractual con la Institución.
B. Docente con descarga en investigación, con vínculo laboral con la institución.
C. Estudiante que se vincula desde su modalidad de grado.
D. Estudiante semillerista.
E. Joven investigador, en el sentido de lo que para este tipo de integrante se ha definido en el modelo de medición del ScienTI-COLCIENCIAS.
F. Egresados
G. Personal directivo y administrativo.

Otros Investigadores:

H Investigador visitante: proviene de otra institución y se vincula en virtud de convenios de colaboración o intercambio, a nivel nacional o internacional.
I. Investigador externo: no tiene vínculo laboral con la institución, pero pertenece a una institución del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación y se incorpora en función del interés de la investigación.
J. Personas jurídicas, legalmente constituidas, que realizan actividades de investigación.

Recognition of researchers in call No. 894 carried out by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation –  MINCIENCIAS