The CIDE and its affiliated units offer the academic community a set of services related to the research process, innovation and entrepreneurship. In the same way, with the research groups, there are portfolios of services and capacities for the transfer of knowledge to the internal community and to the external sector: local and regional community, companies, non-governmental organizations and state entities.

The Research and Business Development Center and its attached strategic units provide the community of the Institution with a set of services in I + D + i and entrepreneurship

Services of the Center for Research and Business Development

  • Calls for degree work in its different modalities
  • Assessment and evaluation of degree worksCall for projects and research products
  • Advisory, monitoring and evaluation of projects and research products
  • Organization of research events
  • Calls for the conformation of peer evaluators eligible for articles and scientific books, projects and research products, etc.
  • Training for the training of I + D + i competences
  • Training in the COLCIENCIAS measurement model for the classification of research groups and recognition of researchers
  • Issuance of certificates of speaker or assistant to events organized by the Institution, pair evaluator, advisor-director of degree work, evaluator-jury of work of degree, accomplishment of degree work, exhibitors in shows room.
  • Information services on conceptual or operational aspects of research at institutional level and within the framework of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation-COLCIENCIAS-

Services of the Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unit

  • Counseling and support in the formulation of business entrepreneurship projects for graduate work in the form of monograph
  • Advice and support in the formulation of business plans in all its aspects
  • Accompaniment in the application and participation in competitions to access funding resources of venture capital funds.
  • Training in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Accompaniment in the formulation of business initiatives related to technology-based companies: Start-up and spin-off
  • Accompaniment for the ideation of products from the formulation of the idea, the execution of the project and its implementation in the market
  • Accompaniment in the analysis and financial modeling of the business
  • Business entrepreneurship fairs
  • Cycles of promotion of innovation
  • Development of scientific-technological consultancies and innovation products in organizational business management in:
    – Customer service to ensure customer loyalty
    – Emotional salary for human management
    – Teamwork
    – Instrumental organizational competences

Services of the Innovation Unit and competitive referencing

  • Methodological leverage in the design of documentary measurement instruments for different needs of the education sector, such as:
    – Impact of graduates and students on academic practices.
    – Feasibility for the creation of pre and postgraduate programs.
    – Characterization of populations.
    – Definition of needs and critical points of relationship with the target and potential publics; and measuring the quality of customer service.
    – Identification of possible risks of student desertion for the implementation of re-entry and permanence strategies.
    – Among other.
  • Impact evaluation in social projects
  • Validation of documentary measurement instruments
  • Identification, measurement, control and monitoring of operational risks
  • Studies of permanence or student desertion
  • Added value of higher education
  • Brand diagnosis.
  • Descriptive, correlational or comparative analysis of the results of the Saber tests.
  • Support in specific studies of organizational culture, culture of innovation, customer service, environment or work environment, performance evaluation, career plans, student satisfaction with the program, in front of the institution, against welfare activities university, marketing of the services of the institution, among others.
  • Training in specialized topics on issues related to the last items and on methodological and instrumental topics of scientific research and technological development

The results of the research are transferred to the productive sector and society through the capacities portfolio, products and services developed by the research groups and the Innovation Department and Competitive Referencing.

Objectives of the research groups

SUMAR group
To develop I+D+i projects and activities in the Business Administration and Public Accounting fields

To develop I+D+i projects and activities about the study of the movement in people throughout their lives regarding the need of children, adults and elderly need to develop their motor capacity to generate better conditions during their existence, from health and sports perspectives

To develop research projects in Engineering and Technology framed in the research process from the Faculty of Engineering of Fundación Universitaria Maria Cano, Medellin campus, so that they respond to the main needs and/or problematics from local, regional, national and international contexts